Fitter for Life is a fun
and social way to get moving.

About Fitter for Life

People are made to move… this is just as true in the later years of life!

We all know it is important to be active, and take care of our health.  Fitter for Life is Gymnastics Australia’s suite of movement programs for older adults to help get you and keep you active for longer.

Our qualified, nationally-accredited coaches can tailor and cater classes to your needs to ensure you feel supported on your journey to being physically active.

Fitter for Life Gymnastics 

Fitter for Life Gymnastics is a fun fundamental movement program and social opportunity that aims to help you improve your mobility, strength, and coordination; the activities in our classes can be catered to you and your needs!

The skills developed in the Fitter for Life program are used for common activities, such as:

  • Walking up and down a flight of stairs;
  • Hanging out the washing;
  • Bending down or reaching up into cupboards; and
  • Playing with grandchildren.

These skills help improve the quality of your everyday life while also reducing the risk of serious health issues having incredible benefits such as:

  • Improving aerobic capacity
  • Extending independence
  • Helps prevent disease and injury by increasing physical activity
  • Provides increased muscle strength and balance
  • Increases cognitive function

Fitter for Life is running across various states in Australia and is likely to suit your needs if you’re interested in:

  • Becoming more physically active;
  • Meeting new people in a local and social environment; or
  • Improving your mobility in daily activities.

About Fitter for Life 

Endorsed by the Australian Physiotherapist Association, Fitter for Life aims to help you build the movement skills you need to improve your aerobic capacity, muscle strength and increase your mobility and balance. All the things that help you remain active and independent.

Studies have shown that taking part in regular physical activity can prevent disease and help to improve your mental health. Our classes provide opportunities for you to connect with like-minded people in a fun and friendly setting.

Find your nearest club, here

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